Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Our house was getting pretty empty, and even living in it made it messy again. You cant pack all the cups, because people still need to have a drink, and when you think you have washed all the dirty laundry, there is still more. Today, in the morning, our house had hardly anything in it.
I went to go say goodbye to my good friend Charlotte, whose sister does athletics and is friends with Amara, Jasmine, and Paris. It just makes the world seem so small. Charlotte lives nearby, so I got to go there by myself. Amy her sister said that their cousins were there and it was not a very convenient time that I came at, but I told her we were moving ,so she told Charlotte to go to the door. Then I said goodbye to her but I did not feel like leaving and there wasn't much to do at our house anyway, so I stayed and talked for a while. Then finally I said goodbye to Amy and Charlotte.
Patrick also wanted to say goodbye to his friend Rushef. Since I had nothing better to do, I went to Rushef's house. Robyn came as well to play with Rushef's sister. The boys played cricket in the backyard, and I played with Robyn and her friend on the trampoline. The only problem was I couldn't jump too high otherwise I would knock them over. Then they went inside and I didn't notice until later. Robyn' friend whose name I never found out had a toy microphone. She said she was really good at swimming, and sang the whole let it go song form frozen, or at least a lot of it.  I was surprised at how much of the song she knew, and she was pretty good at singing for her age.
 Mum and Dad came to pick us up, and then we realised that the house was already locked. I didn't mind, because I had already said goodbye.
We didn't drive much today, but you could say that the road trip had begun.
We drove to the other side of Melbourne, to a place named Hoppers Crossing. One of Dad' friend Daniel let us stay for the night. His wife's name is Fiona, and Mum said that she had never heard of that name until she came to Australia.When we came to their house, their garage was full of (well if four counts) Hawthorn posters. It does make sense though, Daniel is obsessed with footy. At their house, they are looking after two very chatty (they have something in common with me) budgies for a friend. We also went to this nice Pizza place for dinner, because Daniel and Fiona thought that would be relaxing .Because tomorrow will be a very long drive, Patrick drew a huge board of noughts and crosses that has a big noughts and crosses with smaller ones inside those squares and then smaller ones in those ones. You play one game at a time, and the winner then puts their mark on that board which then becomes a symbol for the bigger games, which then goes to an even bigger game. It would take forever, but it would still take up some time so we wont be bored on the trip.
Mum also got me a sketchbook because mine was running out of pages. It was plain black (but that is usually a sign that it is good quality.), so I bought some stickers that you can colour in. I still owe Mum some money, because I left my wallet in the car.
Patrick got a haircut. It looks pretty cool. He likes it because his hair doesn't sit on his forehead. He wont let me post a photo.


  1. Hi Abigail! Must've been a whirlwind trip! hope you are slowly getting used to the heat hahah.

    Miss you heaps.

  2. Hi Abigail, you all had a busy time preparing to leave. I am enjoying reading your blogs. Grandpa is also happy reading your updates. Love Baba xx
