Saturday, 27 July 2019

Over the last few days, we have been looking at lots of different houses. At first, we were considering staying in an apartment, but it wasn’t like the Russian apartments. Russian apartments are much better because they have a playground and the “courtyard” which is grassier (except for in the winter, and some parts of autumn, and some parts of spring). The apartments here are not like that, so apartments are ruled out
When you are searching for a place to live, you often remember the positives of a place, but not the negatives. You might take one thing you like about one hours, one thing you like about another, and you collect all these things to make an imaginary perfect house, which seems like somewhere you would want to live. Then you look at other houses after that, and since it does not look like your perfect imaginary house, you notice the differences- and all the differences are negatives, so you see so many negatives. At one house we saw, we felt this really good feeling, a sort of peace and joy and comfort. The house is called a Queenslander, which is a style invented in Queensland. It is only one story, but it is lifted of the ground on poles or whatever, so that the area under it can be used as a car park, and there can be a shed, and an outdoor area. Inside, it is very cosy. Robyn and I might share a room. That would work well because we both like art and we could share lots of stationary.
We will just have to wait for a reply.

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